Welcome to the aquarium!
Does this fish wear a mask on his or her face? It looks a lot like it. Cardinal fishes are rather small,
but sport a nice contrast of bright marigold and dark blue colors.
...which unfortunately attracts the eyes of the hungry Ribbon Eel, which may find an easy picking from
even a group!
The ribbon eels is one of the most beautiful eels I have ever seen in the ocean. It may sound oxymoronic
to you if you know what other moray eels looks like. The ribbon eel has a nice blue shade with a
yellow lining.
When it swims, you just may see its mouth open! It looks like the head is a hand, just waiting to grab
someone who might just happen to swim along. And its body looks almost like the arm; at the same time,
the eel's body looks like a long ribbon that swims in a pattern as the eel moves about.
True to the name, the striped catfish has a nice coat of black-and-white stripes on its body, but the stripes
are not like the stripes you can find on a Zebra. They like to swim in packs, and, as seen in Howard Hall Production's
Wild Window movie "Bejewled Fishes", they often will graze the ocean floor as if they were one big farmland tiller!
Even when not grazing, striped catfish packs will stay together and swim in place, possibly to make enemy predators
a bit more hesitant to pick an easy meal. These fish may not meow, but they are very cute all the same!
As far as colors go, who knew that you could do a whole lot more with less?
Whales are the giants of the ocean, and the blue whale is no exception. Blue whales always have looked so peaceful, so very gentle, and so very big. When one eats, its belly sometimes looks like it becomes very big! I almost wonder if it is possible to actually fit inside of the stomache of a blue whale... but hopefully no one would have that happen to them!